If you're interested in participating in the exhibit hall at our upcoming Calgary TMAF taking place September 17 - 19, 2024, please read the Technology and Market Assessment Forum Display Table Instructions and Guidelines HERE. Next, proceed with registering and filling out the form to request a display table. Display tables will be open on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday, September 18th.

Please note that filling out this form does not guarantee you a display table at TMAF. Display tables will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis to ESC affiliate members in good standing with their membership. All on-site representatives for the display table must be registered for the Calgary TMAF. You will receive a confirmation email directly from an ESC staff member letting you know a table has been secured within 15 business days of submitting this form. The receipt of this form is not an official confirmation.

If you have any questions or issues registering, please email Events@escenter.org

Calgary 2024 TMAF Display Table Request Form

Register Now

  • September 17 - 19, 2024
  • The Westin Downtown Calgary
    320 4th Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta
    T2P 2S6